Run a command repeatedly and monitor output: sensors for instance

commands line sensors outputs a status and exit. We end up running the same command again and again to monitor the status or progress.

watch runs a command repeatedly for us:
watch sensors

useful options:

  • -n 5 - runs every 5 seconds (default 2 secs)
  • -d - highlight differences

useful to monitor: sensors, zfs scrub status


Expand a logical volume, or, What to do when running out of space in one of LVM drives

  1. Extend the logical volume. Add enough room.
    sudo lvextend -L+1G /dev/mapper/volumegroup-logical
  2. Unmount the volume. Run a disk check.
    sudo umount /mnt/mount-point-for-that-logical-volume
    sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/volumegroup-logical
  3. Resize the file system to fit the new room.
    sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/volumegroup-logical
  4. Remount
    sudo mount /mnt/mount-point-for-that-logical-volume


Suddenly no Window borders, launcher, menus in my Ubuntu

Window manager crashes. Only desktop icons are visible and can be opened. Launcher doesn’t show up. Windows appear without borders. Other users’ logins are ok.

Proven Workaround: delete _~/.config/dbconf/user

Warning: All customizations will be lost – launcher shorcuts, display tweaks (workspaces, autohide), privacy (search results)
